Active Projects

Agriculture Projects


(48 ha)


Skilled and experienced Moringa farming, (whole-plant) processing and distribution primarily in the Eastern Cape, South Africa. This consortium was constituted to deal with the immediate concern of lack of nutrient rich food to supplement the starch heavy staple crop diets in the region. This farm is operational.


The consortium has a hemp license and applying for a cannabis cultivation license. Hemp is a multi-use plant with immense potential in the Eastern Cape region as a producer. Given the license was only recently granted, this project is in its infancy but minimum-viable-products were sufficient to attain licensing and as such operations should begin in the line with the planting cycle.


(150 - 500 ha)


The African Development Bank has reported that wheat prices have risen some 60% in Africa since the Russia-Ukraine war with a fertiliser shortage of 2 million metric tons forecasted with similar trends for all grain commodities. In response, Umbane has built a food security consortium with experienced and emerging farmers in the Eastern Cape, South Africa to meet this demand and de-risk African dependence on foreign grain imports. This project is at an advanced stage of development.

The farm will produce yellow maize and wheat in partnership with the local community. With an estimated 27 jobs created in the first phase increasing to double in the second phase. Land agreements, implementation plans and community partnership agreements have been concluded and the project is currently concluding project finance with the first season estimated for planting in October/November 2023.

* Please approach Umbane to hear of our not-yet-so active projects these will need confidentiality agreements to share more details.
